The best way, in my opinion, to start the new year out right is with a nice little commission to set the pace.
This was for a friend of mine for an art trade. He was looking for something similar to a piece of clip art he'd seen online, but was gearing toward something a little less abstract and more professional looking with the same cartoony quality. He was familiar with my style and supplied me with a few reference photos. This was the result. Hopefully it will end up somewhere on one of his professional sites. I can only hope. :)
In other news, I am of course back in MI in full swing with part time work and part time coordinating an indie game project. The ball keeps rolling faster and faster. We've attended our first IGDA meeting (my first ever) and came home with a lot of motivation to strive for an Alpha deadline come end of February. Lets see if I can keep these puppies on track! If all goes well, we may be presenting our demo at the March meeting. Fingers are crossed, but more importantly, we're geared up for working hard. I expect to have a lot to share with everyone over the next few months.