This holiday I didn't actually celebrate on sunday with the world, I worked 22 hours that weekend instead, but being the planner that I am I was able to visit with my mom the friday prior and spent the evening at home. I took her out to dinner and we caught up on things. I also showed her the images of the canvas I had coming late in the mail that I had made for her. I am curious what space it will occupy. I did another for my sister.
The little girl is Avianna, my niece, my sister's little girl, my mom's first grandchild. We all love her to death. <3
The one on the top was for my sister, the one below for my mother. Both have captured her features really well. I was inspired to do this for them thanks to my great drive towards art these days. It's been on and off, but always strong. Work hours are really the only thing slowing me down. But I need to do what I need to do to keep my boat afloat while I continue to make these wonderful pieces.
So as long as the time continues to permit, I will keep making wonderful art for everyone to enjoy. :)