Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sincerest Apologies for my Absence!!

But there's good reason!! So many things to tell all of you! Oh, and here, have these cats as proof I have not abandoned you.

So where to begin. I suppose it would be best to start where I left off. :)

Since the funeral for my mom's cousin in January the sketchbook has filled 12 pages or so with doodles, ideas, sketches and drawings to express my thoughts and imaginations. Most recent were these cats whom I've lovingly named after Devil May Cry characters. I also did these two birds shown exclusively here on my blog :3 All of these were done as my fiance and I discussed pets and names.


Andrew proposed to me on February 11th of this year. We will be planning the ceremony for next year some time.

Since then I have been working on a Digital Painting commission for Andrew's Uncle that is due the end of this month. SO! That's where all my free time has been invested. I'll be putting up a WIP of the work when it's complete as it's supposed to be a surprise present for his wife-to-be in August.

I'm very pleased with it's progress so far and can't wait to show you all :)

In the meantime, enjoy my little doodles and I will have lots more to share in a week or so!! Love you guys!